Apply to Adopt Complete the form below to submit your adoption application. If you have any trouble, please email First Name *Last Name *Email *Phone *Address *City *State *Zip Code *Name and Relation of Other Adults in Household *If there are other adults, is everyone in agreement about getting a new dog? *With whom are you/spouse employed and how long have you worked there? *Occupation *Do all adult members of the family work? How many hours each? * Is there a particular dog that you are specifically interested in?Age desired? *Would you consider a special needs Setter such as one who requires medication for a controlled condition? *Would you consider a Setter who needs obedience training? *Activity Level Desired? *Sex Preference *Members of household and their ages: *Who is the dog primarily for? *Who will care for, train, and exercise the dog? *Does anyone in your household have allergies? If yes, to what allergens? *Other Pets currently owned? (Species, Sex, Age) *Spayed or neutered? If not, why not? *Are your other pets on Heartworm preventative? *Are they current on vaccinations? *Please list all pets owned in the last five years (Species, Sex, Age) What happened to these pets? *Have you ever owned an Irish Setter? *Name, address, and phone number of current family veterinarian *Please identify and provide contact information for any other veterinarians you have used for the past three years *Have you sold, given away, or surrendered a pet? If yes, please specify. *Do you (rent/own) your (apartment/condo/house)? *How long have you lived at your current address? *If you rent, does your landlord permit you to have a dog? *Name and phone number of landlord: *Fenced Yard? If so, what are the specifications? *Will the dog be primarily inside or outside? *Where will the dog sleep? *Describe your grooming/maintenance program, i.e., baths, toenails, ears, etc.: *How will the dog travel with you? *Give a brief description of how this dog would spend an average day in your home *Do you walk your dog? How long and how often? *Other comments that would have direct influence on the type of personality that would best suit your family? *Name, email address, and phone of another person living outside your household who can provide information regarding the level of care your pets receive (preferably not a relative). This person should be someone who has been to your house. *Signature *I certify that by checking this box that all of this information is true and can be verified by ISRNTX *Submit